Cool roofs are becoming increasingly common, and are not just roofs where teenagers can hang out. Instead, cool roofs are roofs that are designed to reflect large amounts of sunlight, naturally reducing the amount of heat that is absorbed by a house. This allows for homes to remain cooler in areas that suffer from extreme heat. Cool roofs can take many different forms, from reflective paints to specially designed tiles and shingles. Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of installing a cool roof on your home can help you come to a conclusion about whether or not a cool roof is the right choice for you.

The Advantages of Cool Roofs

  • Reduced Energy Bills: The main benefit of cool roofs is the fact that they vastly reduce the amount of heat that a home absorbs, keeping the inside significantly cooler than the outside. This means that you will have to spend less money on energy bills. Reduced strain on your air conditioner also means that the lifespan of your air conditioner and duct system is increased, reducing the likelihood of needing repairs in the future.
  • Sustainability: Using less energy to cool your home reduces your power consumption, which reduces the demand on power generation, helping preserve natural resources for other uses. This translates to reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Increased Roof Life: By virtue of the special roofing materials used for cool roofs, they tend to have longer lifespans than traditional roofs, and require less maintenance to continue to work properly. This help cuts down on long run costs, saving you even more money.

 The Disadvantages of Cool Roofs

  • Cost: Replacing an already existing roof with a cool roof represents a significant initial investment that makes cool roofs not ideal for those operating under a strict budget. However, it should be noted that the reduced maintenance costs as well as the energy savings that cool roofs provide can help offset this high initial price tag.
  • Limited Application: Cool roofs are really only ideal for areas that receive large quantities of heat and sunlight. Areas that have long winter months or significant amounts of snowfall are not well-suited for cool roofs, which can actually cool a home down too much in cool weather.
  • Mold: In areas that receive a great deal of heat but also suffer from high humidity, cool roofs can be extremely susceptible to mold growth, more so than traditional roofs. 

Contact a professional like one from Sunik Asphault Roofing for more information.
